Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Other Health Problems Of Asbestos

For centuries, asbestos was used as a fire resistant material without understanding the types of health problems is likely to create. Since the use and production of this material has increased as well as consumer safety, and requirement of the modern era, the dangers associated with exposure to asbestos became more widespread. Eventually, enough evidence to bind the asbestos fibers in the development of more serious conditions, including mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Despite these conditions are probably the most dangerous consequences of asbestos, they are certainly not alone. Certain conditions developed from this material does not damage lungs enough to cause symptoms. In particular, a condition known as pleural plaques accumulate in the lungs. Created from the accumulation of fibers, this condition may appear visible on a radiograph, but is usually without symptoms.

Plaques and pleural thickening may get worse over time and exposure. If the lungs of a person to be subjected to enough asbestos fibers, the condition can cause a significant decrease in lung function. Such as asbestosis and mesothelioma, which can take a long time for any of these symptoms.

In addition to pleural plaques, a person may develop asymptomatic warts from fibers in the skin. When these fibers dig into the skin, they can be quite large for the body to develop on the affected area. Consequently, the skin form of fibers deposited that create visible growth that resembles a wart or callus.

For more information about asbestos-related injuries and that legal action may be available, contact a mesothelioma lawyer.

If you have created a serious health problem caused by exposure to asbestos, mesothelioma lawyers Co., Williams Kherkher today for more information on rights and opportunities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen Whitehurst
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