Saturday, March 19, 2011

Asbestos, The Improvements Include The Renovation Of Federal Green Building Bangor

Margaret Chase Smith Federal Building in Bangor, Maine is scheduled to undergo a massive renovation to make the building comply with safety regulations and codes of disability and reduce energy consumption. On March 4 was the U.S. District Court and U.S. bankruptcy courts closed for renovations can begin.

The test was the first renovation to-do list, and became the asbestos positive. Although air pollution, the ceiling tiles were found to contain toxic minerals and window sills have been contaminated. Test of the building gave way to the asbestos cleanups and follow-up test before building could start.

Asbestos fiber is a carcinogen that causes lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare but aggressive cancer of the lining of the predictive of the major organs and body cavities. Asbestos was used in construction for over a century because of its versatility and warmth, making it an excellent insulator. However, when its carcinogenic properties have been found, was strictly regulated in the United States.

Although the legislation, a number of buildings still contain asbestos. Although relatively safe, if peace, rehabilitation, or demolition of buildings containing asbestos can be very dangerous if the asbestos was not removed. In recent years, driven by asbestos litigation, companies are finding that more and more cost-effective way to remove the asbestos or face legal battles.

The renewal of Margaret Chase Smith will cost about $ 53 million and is funded stimulus package. Paula Santana, Public Affairs Officer General Services Administration (GSA) said that public opinion will be reduced from two to one, prior art heating and cooling will be installed, as well as lighting and access control of persons with disabilities. These changes should reduce water consumption by 40% and energy consumption by 30%. The renovation will take about 3 years to complete with the end in 2013.
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