Thursday, May 19, 2011

Asbestosis Victim Awarded Over Asbestos Verdict In U.S. History

Thomas Brown Jr. worked in the oil fields of the Mississippi River during a period of six years during the 1970's and 80's. Meanwhile, the mixed drilling mud drilling rigs in Mississippi and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. Brown believes it was when I was performing these duties, he was exposed to asbestos. This highly toxic mineral fiber used in a wide range of industries in the past two centuries. However, many uses of asbestos was banned in 1989 in the United States, as it became clear that the mineral was responsible for causing deadly diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective membrane of the lungs, the heart, chest and abdomen.

"Brown inhalation of asbestos dust, stirring the drilling mud, which are sold by CP Chem and manufactured by Union Carbide," said Brown's lawyer. "Although asbestos has been known to cause cancers and lung diseases, continued CPR and Union Carbide Chem to market nearly 100 percent pure asbestos products long after they knew the dangers."

Following the long-term exposure of Brown, he developed asbestosis and is on oxygen 24 hours. Although both are caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers causes mesothelioma tumor growth in the lungs, whereas asbestosis is severe scarring of lung tissue.

A jury in Raleigh, across the Mississippi with Brown and ordered Chevron Phillips Chemical and Union Carbide Corporation to allocate 322 million U.S. dollars - the biggest failure of asbestos in the United States history - for future expenses medical pain and suffering , and punitive damages.
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