Buffalo police have mesothelioma costume can lead to other workers interested in coming to town
William J. Rieman, a former Buffalo, New York cop who suffers from the latter stages of mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective membrane of the principal body cavities and organs, will be awarded a $ 1.7 million, which solves a further $ 7,000,000 U.S. dollar has filed against the city. It has been argued that the malignant mesothelioma Rieman, which was caused almost exclusively by exposure to asbestos developed because it is inhaled, is carcinogenic mineral fibers, while working in various buildings belonging to the city.
"State of New York had already assigned agent Rieman disability claims based on the likelihood of her cancer may have been caused by his work environment. Since we have agreed with our lawyers that the solution was the best option in this case, explained Council Assertions Committee Chairman David Rivera. "This is not an easy thing to do for just $ 1.7 million. You really compelling reasons ... it is the taxpayers' money, and we want to make sure we are fiscally responsible. "
Rieman, 44, worked for the city for 20 years and in the city-owned buildings which were found to contain asbestos. He was diagnosed with the disease of mesothelioma in 2008, lasting 20 to 50 years to develop, is likely to Rieman been exposed to asbestos during his career. And if Reiman was affected, it is possible that other cities, workers may develop cancer from asbestos.
"Certainly we are concerned," said Rivera. "Right now we do not know other reports of adverse reactions like this, but you never know."
William J. Rieman, a former Buffalo, New York cop who suffers from the latter stages of mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective membrane of the principal body cavities and organs, will be awarded a $ 1.7 million, which solves a further $ 7,000,000 U.S. dollar has filed against the city. It has been argued that the malignant mesothelioma Rieman, which was caused almost exclusively by exposure to asbestos developed because it is inhaled, is carcinogenic mineral fibers, while working in various buildings belonging to the city.
"State of New York had already assigned agent Rieman disability claims based on the likelihood of her cancer may have been caused by his work environment. Since we have agreed with our lawyers that the solution was the best option in this case, explained Council Assertions Committee Chairman David Rivera. "This is not an easy thing to do for just $ 1.7 million. You really compelling reasons ... it is the taxpayers' money, and we want to make sure we are fiscally responsible. "
Rieman, 44, worked for the city for 20 years and in the city-owned buildings which were found to contain asbestos. He was diagnosed with the disease of mesothelioma in 2008, lasting 20 to 50 years to develop, is likely to Rieman been exposed to asbestos during his career. And if Reiman was affected, it is possible that other cities, workers may develop cancer from asbestos.
"Certainly we are concerned," said Rivera. "Right now we do not know other reports of adverse reactions like this, but you never know."