Monday, April 18, 2011

Cascade Paving Fine To Release Friable Asbestos

Towards the Cascade Inc., Salem, Oregon, Oregon Employees Federal Credit Union and was fined $ 48,000 for violations related to asbestos took place in September 2010 to dismantle the house of 90 years, including Credit Union. Asbestos-containing materials from the site was finished, when the neighboring houses and vehicles covered with asbestos dust. Asbestos is a highly toxic mineral, which is found in many pre-1980 buildings, which is known to cause diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective coating of the main organs of the body and cavities.

Asbestos is relatively harmless until it is disturbed. When working with materials containing asbestos were microscopic, cancer-causing asbestos fibers released from the resulting dust. Because it took place in a residential area, it is likely that residents of inhalation of fibers, put them at serious risk of contracting pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma that affects the lining of the lungs and abdomen, respectively .

To perform an asbestos abatement contractor should be trained and certified only, Cascade Paving is not licensed and not qualified for such work. An Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) inspection found that the debris through the mill contained asbestos-containing vinyl floor. Asbestos-containing insulation heating ducts, floor tiles, vinyl flooring, vinyl and glue tar roof was open piled on site. DEQ was later to discover that the waterfall is also transported in bulk to the waste discharge Riverbend, who is not authorized to accept asbestos waste.
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