Friday, April 22, 2011

Exxon Mobile Supreme Court To Prohibit The Cause Mesothelioma Appeal

Supreme Court of New Jersey in Trenton recently abandoned oil giant ExxonMobil's request for an appeal after losing a lawsuit which awarded mesothelioma patient Bonnie Anderson 7 million U.S. dollars. Anderson has been exposed to asbestos from handling her husband's clothes contaminated work, while employed at the Bayway refinery in Linden Exxon. John Anderson job was to remove the insulation, which for decades had been manufactured with asbestos, fixing the pumps and filters. Malignant mesothelioma, a rare cancer that affects the protective lining of the lungs, heart, chest and stomach, due almost entirely of long-term exposure to asbestos.

Anderson, 62, described the dismissal of the appeal of Exxon "bittersweet because I'm going back to chemotherapy." Because the disease is incurable, chemotherapy does not help to prolong the life of Anderson does not get rid of cancer.

"I wish I could tell you it was a glorious day to learn, but you take life in perspective. I'd rather not be sick," she added.

Exxon Mobil argues there is no way of knowing how Anderson Cancer contracting asbestos and even had an expert in internal medicine and pulmonary to testify on his behalf, but that does not appear to influence the court in his favor.

Anderson was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, which specifically affects the abdominal wall in 2001. Since then he has undergone two surgeries, blood transfusions and several cycles of chemotherapy with five different drugs. The radiation was given leukemia. After being diagnosed, Anderson has worked to raise awareness about mesothelioma and helped mesothelioma designated September 26th Awareness Day.
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