Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Renovation Of A Liverpool Topshop Continues After The Discovery Of Asbestos

British retail giant Arcadia to pay £ 5,000 revealed 45 construction workers during the renovation of carcinogenic asbestos fibers Topshop store in Liverpool in 2008. Asbestos found in many old buildings, building materials, which makes testing of asbestos before remodeling is always advisable. record asbestos survey was done before the renovation begins. Although positive, the project continued as planned, without any deductions.

If asbestos is disturbed during the renovation, as was the case in Liverpool Topshop, workers may be exposed to this highly toxic mineral and later develop a number of fatal respiratory diseases including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the membrane lubrication of the lungs, heart, chest and abdomen.

Asbestos was found on the ceiling joists first floor, which was closed to allow the spread of asbestos in other levels, but the renovation of another building continued for another 11 days. Only then will the contractor to notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said that asbestos had contaminated the spaces outside the closed area.

Only when the HSE was notified that the 45 workers were asked to leave. No e during these 11 days, the workers may have inhaled asbestos fibers are microscopic in the lungs for decades may lead to asbestos cancer. Although HSE prosecuted Arcadia Group Ltd and Vincent contractors installers, many workers have to find a lawyer of their own in the future to help the requirements for asbestos injuries.
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